This Mind-Boggling

"10 Day Technique" We Use That Rakes in a Staggering $61,584 Every 30 Days

ALERT: Implementing this simple method will allow you to overthrow your job in an astonishingly brief span of just 30 days.

Watch the Video and then book a free 1-on-1 Call to learn how



What Type of Person Should Book a Free Call And Learn About This 'Ultra Fast Money Making System'?

  • Are you someone who is strapped for time and money... and wanna spend just 1-2 hours a day for the next 10 days and create a successful side hustle?

  • You're the type of person who is willing to put in some work. This program works when you do. If you only plan to invest in the program and get to it whenever you get to it, Youtube is a better place to procrastinate.

  • Do you have debt that you want to pay off fast... and are ready to get it paid off with a lucrative side hustle that you can start right now?

  • Are you someone who is sick of their job and looking for a change and to own something... who would like to make that change as quickly as possible?

  • Have you been waiting to buy a house because you haven't saved enough money for a down payment... and now just need a side gig that could supplement or even replace your job so you can save enough?

  • Do you love going on vacations... and just need an opportunity that allows you the flexibility and uncapped earning potential to make it happen?

  • Are you someone who has been looking for a way to replace your partner's daily workload... and just need the right vehicle to start to make that happen?

  • Have you been strapped for cash and sick of living paycheck to paycheck... and wish you could start an online business that produces consistent recurring revenue month after month?

  • Are you the type of person who has been looking for an online side hustle to start and were just paralyzed by all of the options because they just didn't produce fast enough or they cost to much to start?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions…

You should try out our “ultra fast money making system” and own an online business where you create and build a successful online side hustle and generate customers for local businesses that eagerly want to pay single every month.

Who this is NOT for...

  • You are looking for a get-rich-quick scheme where you put in little to no work, make gobs-and-gobs of money indefinitely forever & ever... That is a fairy tale and this side hustle is not for you if that's what you're after.

  • You do not care about speed. This system is developed for people that want to develop this incredibly valuable skillset in the fastest timeframe possible . There are better programs out there for those of you who have an infinite amount of time and no real need to move quickly.

  • We DON'T just accept anyone. If you don't meet our qualifications, you just simply aren't a good fit and we will tell you that.

    We are looking for committed go-getters who are ready to start something that will change their lives. The only way to know if you qualify is by getting on the phone with with one of our strategists.

    Here are the main 3 things we look for in the qualification process:

  1. Do you have the time to commit to make this opportunity work? If you are not able to commit to at least 1-2 hours PER DAY in this new business venture, then you will fail. We aren't interested in bringing on anyone who isn't willing to set aside the time it takes to build this business and follow our process.

  2. Do you have money to invest in your self? You can learn everything we teach for free during the 30 minute call we offer and we will be more than happy to tell you exactly what we do and you can implement that yourself. If you decide to move forward with us, we charge an investment to join our program. Once you are in our program, you will then be learning how to start an online business, which will require further investment in yourself.

  3. After you have seen success, we will ask you to provide us with a video testimonial. After 90 days into our program we will interview you to see the kind of success you have had. Depending on that interview and your success implementing what we teach, we will ask that you provide us with a video testimonial. If you aren't willing to provide this, then you are not a good fit because typcially this tells us that you are the type of person who either doesn't believe in themselves, or worse, one who is not willing to share your success with others, which is a red flag for us.

Hear what others have to say

Watch Collin's Case Study Below

"After just 30 days from starting, I got 3 new clients. On my way to hiring new employees for my financial planning business to free up even more time!"

Kody W.

"I was sick of not having any extra money to do my own thing on the weekends. Now I have a consistent flow of extra side money come in to supplement my job. And if I ever need more, I know how to generate it."

Collin D.

"Before I started, it was hard to find a side hustle that didn't suck up all my time and still make good money. Fast forward to today, and I replaced my job and make nearly $120k/yr and I don't plan on stopping."

Justin R.

We Do It. This is How.

We CURRENTLY run our online business and make over $60k/mo and growing each and every month.

This isn't just something we did once and thought we would show the world.

We had to start somewhere, and when we first started, all we wanted was something that made us a little extra money.

And that quickly grew into wanting something much more.

Sure, it was hard.

Because we had to figure it out all on our own.

We had a rough guideline of what we wanted to do, but nobody showed us how.

We didn't have a mentor or a coach to help us, but we pushed through and figured it out.

The truth is...

There are so many local businesses that need help.

Most have no idea how to generate leads for themselves.

They work with referrals alone, and always wonder where their next client will come from.

We’ve done such a great job helping local businesses and refined our process so well, that we feel like we have found a gold mine.

And there are so many businesses to help, that we simply cannot do it on our own.

This opportunity is far from being saturated....

Imagine the hundreds of different industries in the hundreds of different cities in the US alone. (our strategies aren't limited to just the US alone. This works in ANY country)

Imagine all of the different businesses in each city. Multiple businesses, even from the same industry, all competing for customers in an area.

YOU can be their source of new customers.

And the business will happily pay you forever as long as you deliver on your end....and we teach exactly how to deliver in abundance.

And we teach you how to do it FAST.

We show you how to send ready-to-buy customers to TWO new local businesses every 10 days.

And each business pays an average of $1,500/month.

So, whether you want to to this one time and make $3,000/mo every 10 days from just TWO clients...

Or if you want to continue a new 10 day cycle over and over again so that you can keep making more and more money...

All you need to do is click the button below and enroll in our program at the heavily discounted investment point. 


“This only works for lucky people”…

“I don’t have the time to start another thing” ...

“This won't work because the market is saturated”…

That’s what that little voice in your head is probably muttering…

However, we will personally GUARANTEE you it will.

We are offering a free strategy session to you and there is no obligation.

We will tell you exactly how we do it.

And if you decide to join us, great! If not, hopefully you get something out of the free strategy call that you can implement for yourself.

If you do decide to join us AND if for some strange reason you try the strategies outlined in our program and you aren't completely SATISFIED and ENLIGHTENED by our 10 Day Method...

Then contact us within 5 Days for a full refund, no questions asked!

Sound fair? Cool.

Show me someone else who stands behind their products like this.


After you join our program…

You'll Have A Personal ATM Machine That You Can Tap Into Whenever You Want

Think about it...

We will be teaching you how to EARN money FAST.

Yes, you'll be doing work to earn it.

But you'll be getting it done in 10 days.

It won't be easy...

But once you apply our program methods and get it working, you can make more and more money on autopilot.

If you wanted to, every 10 days you could make even more...

That means within 30 days, you would have three 10-day cycles and you could potentially earn $9,000 MRR.

Sure you still have to deliver customers to each local business to get paid...

But with our strategies, we teach you how to over deliver so that local businesses would be stupid to quit with how many customers you forward to their phones.

Every 10 days you can decide to make an extra $36k/year.

Do the math, and find the number that works for you and how many cycles it would take to reach your desired level.

Pick your number, and make it happen.

Just like an ATM machine...

Here's What To Do Next

The next thing to do is to book a FREE call with us.

On the call we will reveal to you everything we do and empower you to do it yourself.

And we also have a program that you can join to speed up the process.

You can get your hot little hands on over 200 videos of online business building gold!

Regardless of what you decide after the free call, we know this can work for you because it has worked for us as well as countless other people.

Remember, we guarantee it, so you really have nothing to lose.

If you're ready, just click on the button below to book a free call!

It's Time To Make A Choice...

Choice #1:

You can stay where you are now. Saving less and less money at your job because your annual pay raises won’t even keep up with inflation.

You can continue to research the best side hustles to try, only to realize that you’ll need to spend way more time than you can give. And ultimately find you’re still not earning enough money for months, if not years, or even ever.

Because in order to be successful you have to hit every step perfectly or you’ll fail.

Choice #2

You can start a recession proof side hustle that only requires you spend 1 hour a day for 10 days and you’ll earn new revenue everyone month, selling customers to local businesses with just ONE website.

And if you want to grow a 6 or 7 figure business you can repeat the same steps every 10 days and keep earning more and more.

Imagine finally cracking the code and learning an efficient way to create, launch and scale an online business to replace or supplement your job.

Or better yet, go above the minimum goals we teach and grow your business even more so that you replace your job and earn more money with less time required than other side hustles.

All that extra time and money will actually allow you to live life on your terms and fulfill all your goals and dreams faster than you ever imagined. Anyone who is truly serious about developing real skills to earn money fast will see that this program is worth its weight in gold.

Here’s Everything We Discuss On The Free 30 Minutes Call

Total Value $1,300

How we earn recurring revenue every 10 days

Our exact 10 day strategy that makes us over $60k/mo

Learn what YOU can do specifically to start a successful business and replace your job

See if you meet our minimum qualifications to learn from us

Discover how to make connections with entrepreneurs on the same path

It's time to book your free 1 on 1 call!

People everywhere are looking for the most efficient way to either make extra money or start a successful online side hustle.

Especially with the current economy, it's no wonder people are moving forward so quickly and booking a free strategy call.

You have nothing to lose! Book a call below!

Ready to change your future?

Thanks for taking the time to read this page and we look forward to hearing from you soon!

Jerry Ward

Scott Tyler

We are high-level entrepreneurs and investors. We run 6 & 7 figure online agencies, online courses, local businesses, and we are savvy investors.


Who is this for?

This program is for anybody who is ready to start a successful side hustle or online business. However, We DON'T just accept anyone. If you don't meet our minimum qualifications, you just simply aren't a good fit and we will tell you that. We are looking for committed go-getters who are ready to start something that will change their lives. The only way to know if you qualify is by getting on the phone with with one of our strategists.

Will this work for me?

This program will only work for you if you actually work and follow the training in the program. Book a free strategy call and see if this is for you!

Do you have a community?

Yes, we have a community. Our course is built on the Skool platform, which has the course and community built in as one.

How long do I have access to the program & when does it start?

If you join our program, we offer lifetime access. After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this program for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. You also get lifetime access to any course updates.

What are the most common expenses for running an online business and how much money do I need?

The only necessary expense we have with running a successful online business like ours is Google advertising. With our strategies you can test Google Ads with as low as $300 a month.

From this foundation, the only additional expenses would be the fees associated with setting up a business in your country & having a business bank account which are roughly $300 a year here in the USA.

There are lots of other optional costs for other tools and software that we use and recommend to make things easier, but not required. We talk more about these tools in side of our community and training as well as the free strategy call.

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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this landing page and discussed in the 10 Day Digital Rentals program
are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand we’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). Statistically, the average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results, however we know it's because most don't put in the effort that is outlined. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE THE 10 DAY DIGITAL RENTALS COURSE.